City of York Council

Committee Minutes


Holgate Ward Committee


20 November 2023


COUNCILLORS Kent, Steels-Walshaw and K Taylor





1.               Introduction


Minutes for the Meeting: Holgate Ward Committee Meeting

Date: 20th November 2023

Time: 7pm – 9pm

Location: The Holgate, New Lane, York, YO24 4NT

Councillors: Cllr Jenny Kent, Cllr Lucy Steels-Walshaw, Cllr Kallum Taylor

Community Officer: Shiona Marsh and Michal Czekajlo

Attendance: 22 residents

Holgate Ward Committee Meeting - Minutes

Holgate Ward Committee Meeting - Minutes................................................................ 1

1.) Welcome and Introductions.................................................................................... 1

2.)         Neighbourhood Plan (NP) – Alison Cooke.......................................................... 1

Neighbourhood Plan - Questions and Answers.............................................................. 2

3.)         Severus Hill Development................................................................................. 3

Severus Hill - Questions and Answers........................................................................... 4

4.)         Ward Funding.................................................................................................. 6

5.)         Have Your Say.................................................................................................. 7


1.) Welcome and Introductions





2.               Neighbourhood Plan


2.)  Neighbourhood Plan (NP) – Alison Cooke

A PowerPoint was shown.

Most NPs take place in Parish areas through Parish Councils. A NP is an opportunity but also a commitment. Come and help to shape your community and the place you live in. Bringing along community activities that can help to deliver NP. Developing a shared vision for your area – type of development appropriate for that area. Minimum 21 members to carry the Forum forwards. It does not replace any existing design statements. It forms part of the statutory development plan for the city.

Other benefits – infrastructure levy through Section 106 monies. Schedule of charging for applications to pay to a pot that will be going to central pot, and 25% of that can be used in the area where there is a NP. Relation of the overarching Local Plan and NP.

PowerPoint refers to strategic needs of the city.

A NP can deal with protection of green spaces i.e. a village designated all grass verges. Local heritage assets – should there be application for change of use – NP could set criteria on what can be done. NP involves engagement with the Council i.e. Minster Precinct NP works on Community Safety issues.

A NP can cover smaller spaces that might be missed off the strategic list as part of the Local Plan, that could be picked up as part of NP. Working with the local authority, the shortest time a NP has been conceived is 2 years, longest time upwards of 10 years and is still ongoing. Planning will support the residents/ Forum with creating a NP. Community will create vision and CYC will lead on consultation – then appointed examiner for a few months to see if the Plan is sound. Costs of this would be covered by CYC – after that there will be a referendum to assess the area with every household included. 50% turnout needs to be supportive for plan go forwards. If the majority vote is yes, that goes to CYC for approval and formulation of NP – more info on the PowerPoint.

Policy advice will be offered regarding decision making. NPs can help with stopping a development in the area.

So far in York there is only one NP in an urban area – Minster Precinct NP. There are another five NPs that are in Parishes areas. These are all available to view on the CYC website. There are twelve ongoing NP in the process of formulation.

Neighbourhood Plan - Questions and Answers

Q. York Central – how will a Neighbourhood Plan interest with it?

A. Wouldn’t be able to make much difference on the actual site – but, could influence on how York Central interacts with surrounding area

Q. Can it influence how spaces are used – those that have gone for commercial development?

A. Would need to see specifics of an application.

Q. Concern about safety on development site of York Central?

A. Would have to look at wording on the design. Community action could be included in the NP to work with York Central developers, so they don’t go over planning permission.

Q.  York Central to different name change – can it be renamed?

A. There is no process at this moment to look at it. It can change but there is no process for that yet.

Q. Can NP protect green spaces and tree cover? WE don’t have that many trees in Holgate. Can we restrict mature trees being chopped down?

A. Existing protection of trees map that – can create evidence plan. RE York Central, we need to look at overall design. A Neighbourhood Plan can feature it – it’s how it is worded in policy. Will be able to identify trees without preservation order – supporting via community action plan wants to promote tree planting or protection in the area.

Example pointed out from resident – care home had mature trees and they were all chopped down.

A. This item can be taken to conservation officers.

Cllrs stated their support for tree protections as a ward team.

Q.  Where Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plan cross over and overlap – we need more school places that will be accessible and within walking distance?

A. Any investment in education will be dealt with at a strategic level i.e. the Local Plan. A NP could have active travel be a part of it – i.e. ‘walking buses’ to school, supporting cycle lanes as an addition.

Q. Corridor of development is being built but there is no cycling infrastructure?

A. Cllr Taylor – CYC Local Transport strategy is being consulted on. We need as many people as possible to take part and feedback on cycling infrastructure etc. we need residents to be involved with that.

Q. Is there a Local Plan that we can be inspired by – could we look at examples from elsewhere?

A. Minster Precinct Plan has been held as an example nationally. It sets a master plan for the area – it is place based and visual about what is derived for that area

Q. Regarding boundaries, with York Central we are not sure what will come of it regards traffic. What should we write in about?

A. Please feed back re what you are concerned about with the future developments.




3.               Severus Hill updates


3.)  Severus Hill Development

On Severus Hill, landowners want to put it up for auction, with a £95k opening price. Councillors went to meet with the Yorkshire Water and its associate developer. There have been attempts at developments – previously turned down as too many houses were proposed. It is a SINC (Site of Interest for Nature Conservation), so it has some protections. A previous application to develop 47 houses was rejected by CYC on several grounds. The landowners have agreed to pause the action for six months to let the community think if maybe they could buy it (the land).

Severus Hill - Questions and Answers

Q. Could one house be built there, or will the existing protections (based on it being designated as a SINC suffice? Would this take into account other planning considerations.

A. The policy wording was explained for the protection of the site. An ecologist will look at what is on the site. Whilst planning protections are in place, no guarantee can be confirmed regarding whether or not development could occur (such as one or two houses being built). For example, if a private buyer purchased it, the Planning team can’t categorically state whether or not development would occur later. Changing the nature from wilderness to a dwelling would be against the policy wording, so the existing protections would suffice[JK1] .

Q. If there were to be a frustrated landowner scenario in the future (held back from developing due to the nature policy protections), and they perhaps hoped to degrade or reduce the nature qualities of the site over the years… could that be prevented?

A. The ecologist would need to look into that. If there was flora or fauna that was protected we would action to prevent them from reducing or degrading the habitat.

Q. Comment re beauty and importance of the site. Could someone but the land with the hope that development will be allowed in the future?

Q. If the land gets bought by a developer – could they put two large houses, on part of the site, for example, and keep part of the hill for wildlife?

A.  Planning would consider any application on its specifics – They would need to provide habitat protection. With the nature of it being a SINC, it would need to be preserved and there were several factors which would make housing development unlikely.

Cllr Jenny Kent – Councillors had already held an initial community meeting to explore residents' views at which Duncan Marks, a member of York Civic Trust, gave a talk on the history of the Hill. Collecting views on the future of the site. Some people wanted to community fundraise and buy it (Severus Hill). Beginning of a community decision and wanted to raise it today.

Discussion that group could undertake a survey via Yorkshire Wildlife Trust where records of flora and fauna, examples of conditions on that land, and the provenance - Yorkshire Wildlife Trust would be interested in being a part of that, as they said at the outcome of the meeting on Saturday (18th November).

Agreement that adding protection of Severus Hill would be ideal for inclusion in a Neighbourhood Plan.

The community only have six months for the community to get together and potentially raise funds to buy it.

Q. Yorkshire Water terms of reference – is it to develop land? What’s the reason for it – is it not going against its own ethos? (i.e. to protect natural resources)

A. They (Yorkshire Water) must not want it anymore and are looking at selling – they are not interested in what will happen with it after that.

Comment from attendees: They have disposed of a lot of small parcels of lands via Keyland – their job is to maximise the value of the land before selling it.

Cllr Taylor – Keyland will be looking at covering their costs here only. They try to work with the community here. They tried to work with a community group elsewhere in the country, but that didn’t really work.

Topic raised of the Natural World Fund Charity. – apparently they are interested in the site and they posted on the Friends of Severus Hill Facebook page. Are they still interested in it?

Cllr Jenny Kent – that is a possibility.

Q. Is it not of interest of neighbours/those who live near Severus Hill, to purchase it to prevent development? Could CYC place a £2 levy on every house in York to buy Severus Hill land?

A. CYC are not able to buy it, and cannot place a levy on houses to do so.

Comment : [JK2] Your Space is another partner with a governance structure. However, having many ideas there, could it be turned into a green belt? Timeframe mentioned: ecological survey would need to be done first.

Q. Back to Yorkshire Wildlife Trust – could they buy it?

A. They are not in a position to buy it – they take on big sites and this one is too small for them.

Comment: the six-month window starts from the new year – of holding the sale of the site.

Q. The company want to re-coup the cost… so could we (the community) ask if they could sell it to the community without an auction?

A. We (Holgate Ward Councillors) did ask that. We are not in a negotiation position but the indication was that £168k as a ball park figure. This could be a conversation to have when you (as a community) know what you have got

Q. They are a private business – they paused because they know more can be built on it?

A. Someone may buy it in the future, because it is a nice piece of land. It was transferred by Yorkshire Water at the price of £98k. Our planning department has it covered (i.e. protected under the environmental planning policy), but it is a risk. If the community were to buy it, it would belong to the community. To make the site more biodiverse, could we buy shares in it i.e. selling Biodiversity credits. Another reason for formulating NP. Please volunteer if you would like to be involved.

On Severus Hill – another meeting prior to Christmas to be arranged.

Acomb is looking at creating a NP, and it previously included Lindsey Avenue. Whatever happens next with each plan, they need to complement each other.




4.               Ward Funding Updates


4.)  Ward Funding

Described and outline by Cllr Kallum Taylor

Cllr Steels- Walshaw then summarised the ward funding for the year so far: Ward funding is shaped by priorities of the ward. New form of how it is allocated, now per IMD, based on need. Part is used for a city wide pot of funding for city wide projects to apply. Hopefully that will create an avenue for organisations such as Menfulness or local theatres. Holgate Ward was allocated this year £15,400 – some was used for summer activities – funding of the out-of-school-club, and then an amount for room hire for the present meeting. Remaining amount is £14k. The city priorities were then referred to. Holgate Team said they are open to suggestions around those priority areas and any suggestions on what people would like to see. Criteria for funding applications was outlined. If anyone is interested, contact Community Officer or the Councillors.

Q. Holgate Ward has scouts, beavers – have they applied for funding? For example for a minibus?

A. We have funded them before for climbing equipment. We would encourage them to apply if you think they are interested.

Duke of Edinburgh mentioned as potential for minibus that could be hired out at a discounted rate.

Q. Donation to Friends of West Bank Park from Micklegate Stray i.e. play area improvements

A. That’s great

Ward Funding is fairly organic if done properly




5.               Have Your Say


5.)  Have Your Say


Q. Oakhaven site – what is happening with it?

A. We are trying to find out – the planning permission will expire in three years. It is planned to possibly be a residential care living facility, and there was a sale of the land during the pandemic.

Q. Are they waiting for the police station to be linked to that?

A. We are not aware of any plans in relation to that.

Q. Riverside path update and walkway agreement – is there an update on that?

A. Briefing in December on path upgrades. Contracted by CYC to undertake it and Ward Councillors are following this.

Q. Access and transport in Holgate Ward

A. Government hub coming to York, would bring accessible bridge across the train tracks. Concerns about impact to the community garden, and that the bridge would be built at the right gradient. Cllrs said they want to protect the garden. Maybe Wilton Rise will be upgraded as part of this work – potholes/resurfacing. There can’t be drop-offs at the bridge (by Wilton Rise) as an application condition. As soon as Cllrs see the designs, it will be shared.

Q. Wilton Rise is a private road, and not adopted highways by CYC, but it is an accident waiting to happen. What can be done?

Opinion shared that residents feel that CYC has a responsibility to resurface it.

A. Wilton Rise is not a priority for works – there is a list of private roads that are dangerous and Wilton Rise is not in the ‘top ten’ – essentially, there is no funding to make it happen. The only way would be to link Wilton Rise with the access to York Central.


-------------------------------------Meeting close-----------------------------------







, Chair

[The meeting started at Time Not Specifiedand finished at Time Not Specified].

































 [JK1]I don't this is quite right. The Planning Officer felt that planning protection does exist, but couldn't categorically state that no development could occur (eg one or two houses) and also couldn't say that if a private buyer purchased it the site couldn’t be degraded by eg felling trees or clearing it, even if housing wasn't built

 [JK2]CYC are not able to buy it and can't place a levy on houses to do so